Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ok, Tag it is!

Ten years ago... My dad had just recently passed away on Aug. 29, 1997 and I missed him a lot. I was driving a mint green mini van. (Remember the fun trip we took to California in it) I didn't have any son-in-laws or a daughter in law because none of my children were married yet. Most important; I didn't have the little joys in my life, my grankids. I was working at Bonneville High School as the Registrar, and probably hating the stress - I was about 50 pounds lighter than I am now - Dave still had some hair on his head (not counting the ones in his ears and nose) - and ah, I had a better memory then than I do now!

Things on my To Do List (I will do Monday, cause Sunday is almost over)
1) Work , work and work. 2) Walk on my treadmill, ride exercise bike. 3) Shower 4) Watch my recorded soap opera 5) Clean the house 6) Come up with something to make for dinner with chicken breasts 7) Try to come up with a Birthday present for Tricia (hey any ideas??)

If I were suddenly a billionaire... I would pay off all of our bills (after tithing and taxes, of course) then pay off all of my kids bills, buy a new house, have a personal trainer, housekeeper and chef, and a masseuse named Sven, be financially prepared for retirement, travel to places I have always wanted to go, buy a plane so I could fly to see Kelly, Tricia, Livie and the little man child any time I wanted to. Then help the needy. (Boy, I sound selfish, but that is what I would do. I agree with Dixie, why do we torture ourselves with this question?)

What's under my bed... 6 drawers on Dave's side of the bed and 6 on my side, all full of clothes. And also there is a little space right in the middle, it has some old keepsakes in there. Hey, I haven't pulled them out in a long, long time.

5 Bad habits ... Bite my nails, pick my elbow, eat too much, exercise too little, make lists of things I want to get done then I can't remember where I put the list.

5 Things about me that no one knows ... not much hidden, I am a pretty open book, what you see is what you get.

5 Places I have lived... Heaven, Shelley, Osgood, Caldwell, Meridian, Idaho Falls (ahah that's 6)

My favorite foods to snack on... chips and salsa, carrotts and celery with dip, popcorn, carmel corn, Heath candy bars, potato chips and Fritos, apples and bananas dipped in that cream cheese and marshmellow dip, homemade icecream, Wingers wings (oh that probably should be a meal, not a snack) peanuts, and everything else that tastes good but is probably not good for me, I love that too.


Dixie Wise said...

I am so glad we do these! I love reading what you put on here! Especially Schwean. He's a hottie.