Monday, September 15, 2008

Like Sand in the Hour Glass... So are the Days of My Life..

I liked Kelly's idea to blog once a week. I can do that!! I can't hardly find the time to read the blogs I want to let alone come up with something witty and charming to put on my blog every day. So like most things that are on my to do list, I put it off until tomorrow. But I am going to give it a good 'ol try again. Come old gal - you can do it!!
I love this time of year! I love the 75 to 85 degree weather (just right). I love watching the leaves on the beautiful "Umbrella Tree" outside my office window turn golden and one by one fall off of the tree. I love the smell in the air! I have been on a baking kick lately, mostly bread. Dave is going hunting tomorrow so I made a couple of banana breads for him to take with him. They turned out great! Now, however, my whole wheat bread is another matter. I can't get it to raise correctly. But I am not giving up! I took a picture of the last poor little loaf but the card reader isn't working so I can't show you a picure of the pathetic looking thing (picture a pretty brown brick and you will be pretty close) If anyone has any bread making skill they would like to share with me I am open to any and all help.


Dixie Wise said...

Wow, I can't believe you posted (he he)! Post random thoughts mom, we all check it every week, just whatever your week was like or what is making you so calm and wonderful in life. I love you!

Trish the Dish said...

I find it hard to believe that you're not good at something (especially baking bread). I'm sure the "brick" experience had something to do with the weather. :) love you!

Christina said...

Hi Colleen! It's me, Christina:) Just dropping in. I, too, have struggled with the wheat bread thing. I was told that if you can grind the wheat fresh that it solves a lot of the raising problem. Or if you're not dead set on whole wheat, add a couple cups of white to help it along. It still tastes wheat. Good luck. You're awesome for blogging.